(by Dana M. Lewis)
1 c. yellow cornmeal
1 t. salt
1 t. sugar
1 1/2 c. boiling water
1/2 c. flour
1 c. vegetable oil
In a bowl, mix cornmeal, salt, and sugar.
Add boiling water in measured doses until you achieve a paste consistency (it may not be necessary to use the whole amount).
Sprinkle flour over the pasty mixture, then pour the remaining boiling water into the bowl, and stir until all ingredients are blended.
Bring vegetable oil to modest heat in a skillet (preferably cast iron).
Form palm-sized patties out of the mixture and spoon them separately into the skillet.
Turn heat to low, cover, and cook 2 – 3 minutes.
Flip patties and cook until both sides are golden brown.
Place on a plate lined with paper towel, and cover until serving.
(Read Sadie's Feast, the story that accompanies this recipe.)